

The semantically correct way to remove a property from an object is to use the delete keyword.


Given the object


const car = {
  color: 'blue',
  brand: 'Ford'

you can delete a property from this object using


delete car.brand

Delete a property from an object in JavaScript

It works also expressed as:


delete car['brand']
delete car.brand
delete newCar['brand']

将属性设置为undefined (Setting a property to undefined)

If you need to perform this operation in a very optimized way, for example when you’re operating on a large number of objects in loops, another option is to set the property to undefined.


Due to its nature, the performance of delete is a lot slower than a simple reassignment to undefined, more than 50x times slower.

由于其性质, delete的性能要比简单地重新分配给undefined 慢很多 ,比慢得多50倍。

However, keep in mind that the property is not deleted from the object. Its value is wiped, but it’s still there if you iterate the object:

但是,请记住,该属性不会从对象中删除。 它的值被擦除了,但是如果您迭代该对象,它仍然存在:


Using delete is still very fast, you should only look into this kind of performance issues if you have a very good reason to do so, otherwise it’s always preferred to have a more clear semantic and functionality.


删除属性而不更改对象 (Remove a property without mutating the object)

If mutability is a concern, you can create a completely new object by copying all the properties from the old, except the one you want to remove:


const car = {
  color: 'blue',
  brand: 'Ford'
const prop = 'color'

const newCar = Object.keys(car).reduce((object, key) => {
  if (key !== prop) {
    object[key] = car[key]
  return object
}, {})

(see Object.keys())

(请参阅Object.keys() )


翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/how-to-remove-object-property-javascript/

  • 作者:cuk0051
  • 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/cuk0051/article/details/108340622
    更新时间:2023年8月13日11:08:53 ,共 1599 字。