
2023-09-13 08:05:23


  值得注意得是,Refbase类中有内部类weakref_type,有一个类型为weakref_impl*的成员变量。weakref_impl类继承自Refbase类的内部类weakref_type。weakref_type内部也有一个RefBase*类型的成员mBase指向了对应的Refbase对象。weakref_type类使用mStrong记录强引用计数,使用mWeak记录弱引用计数,使用mFlags记录指针生命周期取决于什么。mStrong被初始化为INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE,在宏定义被定义为2的28次方,mWeak被初始化为0。强引用计数和弱引用计数决定了指针什么时候该被释放。其中,OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG(也就是默认初始化值)表示只受强引用计数影响,OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK表示同时受强引用计数和弱引用计数影响, OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK是一个掩码值,后面会使用flag&OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK的形式来获取flag的最低位数值。


enum {
        OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG  =0x0000,
        OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK    =0x0001,
        OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK    =0x0001


class RefBase
{public:voidincStrong(constvoid* id)const;void            decStrong(constvoid* id)const;void            forceIncStrong(constvoid* id)const;//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current strong ref count.
            int32_t         getStrongCount()const;

    class weakref_type
        RefBase*refBase()const;void                incWeak(constvoid* id);void                decWeak(constvoid* id);// acquires a strong reference if there is already one.bool                attemptIncStrong(constvoid* id);// acquires a weak reference if there is already one.// This is not always safe. see ProcessState.cpp and BpBinder.cpp// for proper use.bool                attemptIncWeak(constvoid* id);//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Get current weak ref count.
        int32_t             getWeakCount()const;//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Print references held on object.void                printRefs()const;//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Enable tracking for this object.// enable -- enable/disable tracking// retain -- when tracking is enable, if true, then we save a stack trace//           for each reference and dereference; when retain == false, we//           match up references and dereferences and keep only the//           outstanding ones.void                trackMe(bool enable,bool retain);

            weakref_type*   createWeak(constvoid* id)const;

            weakref_type*   getWeakRefs()const;//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Print references held on object.
    inlinevoid            printRefs()const { getWeakRefs()->printRefs(); }//! DEBUGGING ONLY: Enable tracking of object.
    inlinevoid            trackMe(bool enable,bool retain)
        getWeakRefs()->trackMe(enable, retain);

    typedef RefBase basetype;protected:RefBase();virtual                 ~RefBase();//! Flags for extendObjectLifetime()enum {
        OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG  =0x0000,
        OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK    =0x0001,
        OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK    =0x0001
    };void            extendObjectLifetime(int32_t mode);//! Flags for onIncStrongAttempted()enum {
        FIRST_INC_STRONG =0x0001
    };virtualvoid            onFirstRef();virtualvoid            onLastStrongRef(constvoid* id);virtualbool            onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t flags,constvoid* id);virtualvoid            onLastWeakRef(constvoid* id);private:
    friendclass ReferenceMover;staticvoid moveReferences(void* d,voidconst* s, size_t n,const ReferenceConverterBase& caster);private:
    friendclass weakref_type;
    class weakref_impl;

                            RefBase(const RefBase& o);
            RefBase&operator=(const RefBase& o);

        weakref_impl*const mRefs;



    : mRefs(new weakref_impl(this))



class RefBase::weakref_impl : public RefBase::weakref_type
    volatile int32_t    mStrong;
    volatile int32_t    mWeak;
    RefBase* const      mBase;
    volatile int32_t    mFlags;...
    weakref_impl(RefBase* base)
        : mStrong(INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE)
        , mWeak(0)
        , mBase(base)
        , mFlags(0)
        , mStrongRefs(NULL)
        , mWeakRefs(NULL)
        , mTrackEnabled(!!DEBUG_REFS_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT)
        , mRetain(false)


{if (mRefs->mStrong == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {// we never acquired a strong (and/or weak) reference on this object.delete mRefs;
    }else {// life-time of this object is extended to WEAK or FOREVER, in// which case weakref_impl doesn't out-live the object and we// can free it now.if ((mRefs->mFlags & OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) != OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {// It's possible that the weak count is not 0 if the object// re-acquired a weak reference in its destructorif (mRefs->mWeak ==0) {delete mRefs;
    }// for debugging purposes, clear this.const_cast<weakref_impl*&>(mRefs) = NULL;




template <typename T>class sp
{public:inline sp() : m_ptr(0) { }

    sp(T* other);
    sp(const sp<T>& other);template<typename U> sp(U* other);template<typename U> sp(const sp<U>& other);

    ~sp();// Assignment

    sp&operator = (T* other);
    sp&operator = (const sp<T>& other);template<typename U> sp&operator = (const sp<U>& other);template<typename U> sp&operator = (U* other);//! Special optimization for use by ProcessState (and nobody else).void force_set(T* other);// Resetvoid clear();// Accessorsinline  T&operator* ()const  {return *m_ptr; }inline  T*operator-> ()const {return m_ptr;  }inline  T*      get()const         {return m_ptr; }// Operators

    COMPARE(>=)private:template<typename Y>friendclass sp;template<typename Y>friendclass wp;void set_pointer(T* ptr);
    T* m_ptr;



sp<T>::sp(T* other)
: m_ptr(other)
  {if (other) other->incStrong(this);



void RefBase::incStrong(constvoid*id)const
    weakref_impl*const refs = mRefs;
    refs->addStrongRef(id);const int32_t c = android_atomic_inc(&refs->mStrong);
    ALOG_ASSERT(c >0,"incStrong() called on %p after last strong ref", refs);#if PRINT_REFS
    ALOGD("incStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n",this,id, c);#endifif (c != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE)  {return;

    android_atomic_add(-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, &refs->mStrong);


void RefBase::weakref_type::incWeak(constvoid* id)
    weakref_impl*const impl =static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
    impl->addWeakRef(id);const int32_t c __unused = android_atomic_inc(&impl->mWeak);
    ALOG_ASSERT(c >=0,"incWeak called on %p after last weak ref",this);



template<typename T>
{if (m_ptr) m_ptr->decStrong(this);



void RefBase::decStrong(constvoid*id)const
    weakref_impl*const refs = mRefs;
    refs->removeStrongRef(id);const int32_t c = android_atomic_dec(&refs->mStrong);#if PRINT_REFS
    ALOGD("decStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n",this,id, c);#endif
    ALOG_ASSERT(c >=1,"decStrong() called on %p too many times", refs);if (c ==1) {
        refs->mBase->onLastStrongRef(id);if ((refs->mFlags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {


{if (mRefs->mStrong == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {// we never acquired a strong (and/or weak) reference on this object.delete mRefs;
    }else {// life-time of this object is extended to WEAK or FOREVER, in// which case weakref_impl doesn't out-live the object and we// can free it now.if ((mRefs->mFlags & OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) != OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {// It's possible that the weak count is not 0 if the object// re-acquired a weak reference in its destructorif (mRefs->mWeak ==0) {delete mRefs;
    }// for debugging purposes, clear this.const_cast<weakref_impl*&>(mRefs) = NULL;




template <typename T>class wp
{public:typedeftypename RefBase::weakref_type weakref_type;inline wp() : m_ptr(0) { }

    wp(T* other);
    wp(const wp<T>& other);
    wp(const sp<T>& other);template<typename U> wp(U* other);template<typename U> wp(const sp<U>& other);template<typename U> wp(const wp<U>& other);
    ...private:template<typename Y>friendclass sp;template<typename Y>friendclass wp;

    T*              m_ptr;
    weakref_type*   m_refs;



wp<T>::wp(T* other)
    : m_ptr(other)
{if (other) m_refs = other->createWeak(this);


template<typename T>
wp<T>::wp(const sp<T>& other)
    : m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
{if (m_ptr) {
        m_refs = m_ptr->createWeak(this);



RefBase::weakref_type* RefBase::createWeak(constvoid*id)const
    mRefs->incWeak(id);return mRefs;



void RefBase::weakref_type::incWeak(constvoid* id)
    weakref_impl*const impl =static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
    impl->addWeakRef(id);const int32_t c __unused = android_atomic_inc(&impl->mWeak);
    ALOG_ASSERT(c >=0,"incWeak called on %p after last weak ref",this);



template<typename T>
{if (m_ptr) m_refs->decWeak(this);



void RefBase::weakref_type::decWeak(constvoid* id)
    weakref_impl*const impl =static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
    impl->removeWeakRef(id);const int32_t c = android_atomic_dec(&impl->mWeak);
    ALOG_ASSERT(c >=1,"decWeak called on %p too many times",this);if (c !=1)return;if ((impl->mFlags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {// This is the regular lifetime case. The object is destroyed// when the last strong reference goes away. Since weakref_impl// outlive the object, it is not destroyed in the dtor, and// we'll have to do it here.if (impl->mStrong == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {// Special case: we never had a strong reference, so we need to// destroy the object now.delete impl->mBase;
        }else {// ALOGV("Freeing refs %p of old RefBase %p\n", this, impl->mBase);delete impl;
    }else {// less common case: lifetime is OBJECT_LIFETIME_{WEAK|FOREVER}
        impl->mBase->onLastWeakRef(id);if ((impl->mFlags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK) {// this is the OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK case. The last weak-reference// is gone, we can destroy the object.delete impl->mBase;




sp<T> wp<T>::promote() const
    sp<T> result;if (m_ptr && m_refs->attemptIncStrong(&result)) {
    }return result;



bool RefBase::weakref_type::attemptIncStrong(constvoid* id)

    weakref_impl*const impl =static_cast<weakref_impl*>(this);
    int32_t curCount = impl->mStrong;

    ALOG_ASSERT(curCount >=0,"attemptIncStrong called on %p after underflow",this);while (curCount >0 && curCount != INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {// we're in the easy/common case of promoting a weak-reference// from an existing strong reference.if (android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount+1, &impl->mStrong) ==0) {break;
        }// the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our// situation.
        curCount = impl->mStrong;
    }if (curCount <=0 || curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {// we're now in the harder case of either:// - there never was a strong reference on us// - or, all strong references have been releasedif ((impl->mFlags&OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_STRONG) {// this object has a "normal" life-time, i.e.: it gets destroyed// when the last strong reference goes awayif (curCount <=0) {// the last strong-reference got released, the object cannot// be revived.
            }// here, curCount == INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE, which means// there never was a strong-reference, so we can try to// promote this object; we need to do that atomically.while (curCount >0) {if (android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount +1,
                        &impl->mStrong) ==0) {break;
                }// the strong count has changed on us, we need to re-assert our// situation (e.g.: another thread has inc/decStrong'ed us)
                curCount = impl->mStrong;
            }if (curCount <=0) {// promote() failed, some other thread destroyed us in the// meantime (i.e.: strong count reached zero).
        }else {// this object has an "extended" life-time, i.e.: it can be// revived from a weak-reference only.// Ask the object's implementation if it agrees to be revivedif (!impl->mBase->onIncStrongAttempted(FIRST_INC_STRONG, id)) {// it didn't so give-up.
            }// grab a strong-reference, which is always safe due to the// extended life-time.
            curCount = android_atomic_inc(&impl->mStrong);
        }// If the strong reference count has already been incremented by// someone else, the implementor of onIncStrongAttempted() is holding// an unneeded reference.  So call onLastStrongRef() here to remove it.// (No, this is not pretty.)  Note that we MUST NOT do this if we// are in fact acquiring the first reference.if (curCount >0 && curCount < INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {

    impl->addStrongRef(id);#if PRINT_REFS
    ALOGD("attemptIncStrong of %p from %p: cnt=%d\n",this, id, curCount);#endif// now we need to fix-up the count if it was INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE// this must be done safely, i.e.: handle the case where several threads// were here in attemptIncStrong().
    curCount = impl->mStrong;while (curCount >= INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE) {
        ALOG_ASSERT(curCount > INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE,"attemptIncStrong in %p underflowed to INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE",this);if (android_atomic_cmpxchg(curCount, curCount-INITIAL_STRONG_VALUE,
                &impl->mStrong) ==0) {break;
        }// the strong-count changed on us, we need to re-assert the situation,// for e.g.: it's possible the fix-up happened in another thread.
        curCount = impl->mStrong;



void sp<T>::set_pointer(T* ptr) {
    m_ptr = ptr;



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    更新时间:2023-09-13 08:05:23