
2022-10-30 13:45:16


  TheTest annotation supports two optional parameters.

  The first,expected, declares that a test method should throw an exception.

  If it doesn't throw an exception or if it throws a different exception than the one declared, the test fails.

  For example, the following testsucceeds:

public void outOfBounds() 
    new ArrayList<Object>().get(1);

  The second optional parameter,timeout, causes a test to fail if it takes longer than a specified amount of clock time (measured in milliseconds).

  The following testfails:

public void infinity() 


  • 作者:曳落
  • 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/xieganyu3460/article/details/82796746
    更新时间:2022-10-30 13:45:16