SQL Select Condition条件查询模拟解析Select函数

2022-07-09 14:48:32

实现数据记录查询选择函数select, 该函数根据表达查询条件的字符串,对加载的数据进行查询。其结果包含两部分,一是符合条件的记录总数,以函数值的形式返回;二是符合条件的所有记录编号,存入通过形参传递而来的数组中。关于查询条件字符串,它类似编程语言的逻辑表达式的结构,其构成可包含:
1)表示关系运算的字符: “<”, “<=”, “>”, “>=”, “==”, “!=”;
2)表示逻辑运算的关键字:“AND”, “OR”, “NOT”;
3)可改变运算优先级别的小括号 " ()",若没有括号两类运算符的优先次序与C/C++中相应的保持一致;
4)字段名,表示对当前记录行指定字段值的引用,如 “Open >= 9.15” 表达的条件就是开盘价大于等于9.15;
通过以上内容,可以灵活写出简单或复合的查询条件。比如 “Open >= 9.15 AND Date == 2017-1-3” 表达了查找2017年1月3日开盘价大于等于9.15的股票交易记录。其中,表达日期时,采取“年-月-日”短横线连接的固定格式。
函数的原型:int* Select(const char *condition, int& n); 其中:
1)condition 为查询的条件表达式,具体规则如上所述;

给出了如下解决方式,非专修C/C++, 欢迎大佬们批评指正

之所以分享一下, 是因为客户对string类一无所知, 并且一定要用某种递归树去解决,让我改一下, 正巧我忙活半天在外放松休闲, 不想整。 我说,最终解布尔表达式的时候可以递归, 把“true” “false” 设为出口, 循环变递归不就好了吗。
看见这题我的第一反应是,后缀表达式, 好像还有个高级的名字
Share with you, Happy Day。

	--此处仅将 or and not 设为操作符 输出成 || && !  正如not优先级较高 
	--将每个判断例: A>=1 用具体的那条记录过滤,即是判断该记录中的那个字段是否附合这个最小条件  输出 成一个true 或者 false
	--即该表达式转为 一个关于true和false的布尔表达式
	求解布尔表达式  判断该条记录是否符合		 
	下面仅select函数为主要, 其他为测试数据 

#include <sstream> 
using namespace std;

class Record
// 为了避免字符串与double float long型 或者时间相关的转换, 
// 所有字段全部用字串 比较时直接比较字典序 strcmp
// 此处若自行优化,建议保留字串和日期的字典序比较 
	string Date;
	string Open;
	string High;
	string Low;
	string Close;
	string Adj_Close;
	string Volume;
	string Code;
	string Change;
	string Pct_change;
	string getValueByFieldName(string fieldName) {
		if ("Date" == fieldName) {
			return Date;
		} else if ("Open" == fieldName) {
			return Open;
		} else if ("High" == fieldName) {
			return High;			
		} else if ("Low" == fieldName) {
			return Low;			
		} else if ("Close" == fieldName) {
			return Close;			
		} else if ("Adj_Close" == fieldName) {
			return Adj_Close;			
		} else if ("Volume" == fieldName) {
			return Volume;			
		} else if ("Code" == fieldName) {
			return Code;			
		} else if ("Change" == fieldName) {
			return Change;			
		} else if ("Pct_change" == fieldName) {
			return Pct_change;			

	测试数据 DB
	将100 条数据分为四类 
Record* init() {
	Record *records = new Record[100];
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		if (i % 2) {
			records[i].Date = "2018-12-22";
			records[i].Open = "8.1";
			records[i].High = "8.18"; 
			records[i].Low = "8.09";
			records[i].Close = "8.16";
			records[i].Adj_Close = "8.028069";
			records[i].Volume = "85984049";
			records[i].Code = "000001.SZ";
			records[i].Change = "8.06";
			records[i].Pct_change = "8.0065934";
		} else if (i % 3) {
			records[i].Date = "2017-12-20";
			records[i].Open = "7.1";
			records[i].High = "7.18"; 
			records[i].Low = "7.09";
			records[i].Close = "7.16";
			records[i].Adj_Close = "7.028069";
			records[i].Volume = "75984049";
			records[i].Code = "000001.SZ";
			records[i].Change = "7.06";
			records[i].Pct_change = "7.0065934";
		} else if (i % 5) {
			records[i].Date = "2016-12-20";
			records[i].Open = "6.1";
			records[i].High = "6.18"; 
			records[i].Low = "6.09";
			records[i].Close = "6.16";
			records[i].Adj_Close = "6.028069";
			records[i].Volume = "65984049";
			records[i].Code = "000001.SZ";
			records[i].Change = "6.06";
			records[i].Pct_change = "6.0065934";
		} else {
			records[i].Date = "2015-12-12";
			records[i].Open = "5.1";
			records[i].High = "5.18"; 
			records[i].Low = "5.09";
			records[i].Close = "5.16";
			records[i].Adj_Close = "5.028069";
			records[i].Volume = "55984049";
			records[i].Code = "000001.SZ";
			records[i].Change = "5.06";
			records[i].Pct_change = "5.0065934";
	return records;

string getFieldStr(int n, string conditionStr) {
	string front = conditionStr.substr(0, n);
	string field = front.substr(front.find_last_of(" ") + 1, front.length());
	int k=0;
	if ((k = field.find_last_of('(')) != -1) {
		field = field.substr(k + 1, field.length());
	return field;

string getValueStr(int n, string conditionStr, int operLength) {
	string end = conditionStr.substr(n + operLength, conditionStr.length());
	string value = end.substr(0, end.find_first_of(" "));
	int j=0;
	if ((j = value.find_first_of(')')) != -1) {
		value = value.substr(0, j);
	return value;

string replaceResult(string conditionStr) {
	string t1 = "true and true"; //1&&1  1
	string t2 = "true and false"; //1&&0  0
	string t3 = "false and true";  //0&&1  0
	string t4 = "false and false"; //0&&0  0
	string f1 = "true or true"; //1||1  1
	string f2 = "true or false"; //1||0  1
	string f3 = "false or true";  //0||1  1
	string f4 = "false or false"; //0||0  0
	string p5 = "(true)";
	string p6 = "(false)";
	string n1 = "not true";
	string n2 = "not false";
	string n3 = "not (true)";
	string n4 = "not (false)"; 

	string arrays[14] = {
		n1,n2,n3,n4,t1, t2, t3, t4, f1, f2, f3, f4, p5, p6
	for (int i=0; i<14; i++) {
		string regx = arrays[i];
		int n = -1;	

		if ((n = conditionStr.find(regx)) != -1) {
			if ((regx == "not (true)") || (regx == "not true")) {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "false");

			if ((regx == "not (false)") || (regx == "not false")) {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "true");
			if (regx == "true and true") {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "true");
			} else if(regx.find("and") != -1) {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "false");
			if (regx == "false or false") {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "false");
			} else if(regx.find("or") != -1) {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "true");
			if (regx == "(true)") {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "true");

			if (regx == "(false)") {
				conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n, regx.length(), "false");
	return conditionStr;

Record* Select(const char *condition, int& n) {
	//按要求n 这个参数是获取的条数   定义结果为N的数组  索引为resultIndex 每次匹配成功加1 
	Record selectResults[n]; 
	int resultIndex = 0; 
	// 在条件前后加入空格, 使开始和结束字符容易判断 
	string condition1 = condition;
	string conditionStr =  " " + condition1 + " ";

	// 备份原始串
	string conditionStrTemp = conditionStr;
	// A == 123
	Record* records = init();

	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		// 一条记录
		Record item = records[i];
		// 用表达式判断该条记录 
		conditionStr = conditionStrTemp;

		while (true) { 

			// conditionStr
			// "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=";
			// 使用 find_last_of 判断 是否存在 这些符号
			bool isOver = true;
			int n=-1;
			if ((n = conditionStr.find("==")) != -1) {
				// 判断一个字段
				// 在这个位置将字符串拆成两半
				// 前半段 字段 可能相邻 空格 找出 find_last_of
				// 后半段 值 可能相邻 空格 找出 find_first_of
				// 替换掉括号
				string field = getFieldStr(n, conditionStr);
				string value = getValueStr(n, conditionStr, 2);

				string resultValue = item.getValueByFieldName(field);
			    string resultFlag = "false";
				if (value == resultValue) {
					resultFlag = "true";

				int itemLength = field.length() + value.length() + 2;

			 	conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n - field.length(), itemLength, resultFlag);
			 	isOver = false;
		  	} else if ((n = conditionStr.find("!=")) != -1) {
		  		string field = getFieldStr(n, conditionStr);
				string value = getValueStr(n, conditionStr, 2);

				string resultValue = item.getValueByFieldName(field);
			    string resultFlag = "false";
				if (value != resultValue) {
					resultFlag = "true";

				int itemLength = field.length() + value.length() + 2;

			 	conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n - field.length(), itemLength, resultFlag);
			 	isOver = false;                        			
		  	} else if ((n = conditionStr.find(">=")) != -1) {
		  		string field = getFieldStr(n, conditionStr);
				string value = getValueStr(n, conditionStr, 2);

				string resultValue = item.getValueByFieldName(field);
			    string resultFlag = "false";
				if (resultValue >= value) {
					resultFlag = "true";

				int itemLength = field.length() + value.length() + 2;

			 	conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n - field.length(), itemLength, resultFlag);
			 	isOver = false;               			
		  	} else if ((n = conditionStr.find("<=")) != -1) {
		  		string field = getFieldStr(n, conditionStr);
				string value = getValueStr(n, conditionStr, 2);

				string resultValue = item.getValueByFieldName(field);
			    string resultFlag = "false";
				if (resultValue <= value) {
					resultFlag = "true";

				int itemLength = field.length() + value.length() + 2;

			 	conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n - field.length(), itemLength, resultFlag);
			 	isOver = false;                			
		  	} else if ((n = conditionStr.find(">")) != -1) {
		  		string field = getFieldStr(n, conditionStr);
				string value = getValueStr(n, conditionStr, 1);

				string resultValue = item.getValueByFieldName(field);
			    string resultFlag = "false";
				if (resultValue > value) {
					resultFlag = "true";

				int itemLength = field.length() + value.length() + 1;

			 	conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n - field.length(), itemLength, resultFlag);
			 	isOver = false;             			
		  	} else if ((n = conditionStr.find("<")) != -1) {
		  		string field = getFieldStr(n, conditionStr);
				string value = getValueStr(n, conditionStr, 1);
				string resultValue = item.getValueByFieldName(field);
			    string resultFlag = "false";
				if (resultValue < value) {
					resultFlag = "true";

				int itemLength = field.length() + value.length() + 1;

			 	conditionStr = conditionStr.replace(n - field.length(), itemLength, resultFlag);
			 	isOver = false;
			if (isOver) {
		stringstream ss;
		string s1 = ss.str();	
		string temp = conditionStr.substr(1, conditionStr.length()-2);
		// 转化为boolean表达式之后, 计算该表达式的值
	 	while(true) {
	 		temp = replaceResult(temp);
	 		if (temp.length() == 4 || temp.length() ==5) {

	 	if (temp == "true") {
	 		// cout<<"记录" + s1 + "已命中"<<endl;

	 		cout<<item.Date+","+ item.Open+","+ item.High+","+ item.Low+","+ item.Close+","+ item.Adj_Close+","+ item.Volume+","+ item.Code+","+ item.Change+","+ item.Pct_change<<endl;;
	 		selectResults[resultIndex++] = item;
		 	if (resultIndex == n) {
		 		printf("已查询到限制%d条", n); 
	 			return selectResults;

	printf("已查询到%d条", resultIndex); 
	return selectResults;
int main(void) {
	// 记得not and or前后空格
	// "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "==", "!=";不空格 括号不空格 谢谢
	char condition[100] = "Date==2016-12-20";
	int a=100;
	Select(condition, a);

布尔表达式的求解, while(true), 以及里面的break, 应该是可以优化, 不过没关系了, 重在分享易懂的解决方式, 嘿

  • 作者:qq_43445080
  • 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43445080/article/details/85237693
    更新时间:2022-07-09 14:48:32